Vacation Bible School 2023


Vacation Bible School is back! In 2023, our theme for VBS is STELLAR! VBS will be July 9-13th at Charity UMC. We are still in the planning process, but we can't wait to welcome all our children back for another Charity UMC Summer Vacation Bible School!

Children's Education


We have classes and programs that are dedicated to teaching our children about Chirst and raising them in Christian love. These programs include Fun & Faith, Sunday School, and Vacation Bible School.


Every volunteer that works with our children at Charity goes through special training before they begin. This class is held throughout the year to make sure that our volunteers have opportunities to stay up to date with their training. Each volunteer must go through our Safe Sanctuary Class and complete a background check before they are Safe Sanctuary approved. If you have questions about this training, please contact the church office.